Three Ways Of Unlocking The Potential Of The City.
Cities emerge, but not in a vacuum. They happen where there are people. Where people choose to stay stacked on one another despite the inherent limitations of city dwelling. I write this post from a Paris studio in the 5th Arrondissement. There's a bathroom, a bed and even a little kitchenette - that's it. You could pee and cook all at the same time. Oh, and it's really loud - garbage trucks, Vespa's, and hooligans are a never ending procession - and this is one of the quieter neighborhoods. A place like this in Paris will go for no less than $500,000 euro. Why would anyone subject themselves to such cramped living and pay top dollar for it? Convenience? Novelty? Romance? It's all that. I'm sure of it and at the core of all that is one piece we hate to acknowledge - in a city we get more of each other. After walking through amazing human feats of engineering and artistic expression like Not...